The 5 Secret Keys to Unlock Mental Clarity

How to Eliminate Brain Fog, Unlock Mental Clarity, and Get Back to Feeling Like Yourself Again...

*WITHOUT spending $15,000 to hook your brain to wires like I did 😅

“You have parasites nesting in your brain, Luke”

Those were the haunting words that renowned Harvard lecturer, Dr. Brian Clement said to me as he was reviewing my brain scans...

I knew something was wrong because I was in excruciating pain...

I could barely eat or sleep.

It felt like I had swallowed a handful of razor blades that dug into the walls of my intestines every time I ate a meal…

If you’ve ever had a “firey feeling” in your gut… 

You know what I’m talking about.

In an attempt to figure out what was causing my stomach pain...

I had every tube and camera shoved down my mouth and probed up my “you know what” to look in my intestines.

They found NOTHING.

And over the course of 3 months, I spent the majority of life savings of $50,000 trying to find the source of my stabbing gut pains and debilitating brain fog.

The Western doctors failed me.

So I turned to Eastern medicine and tried a parasite cleanse under the supervision of a Naturopath.

Finally, I got some relief with my stomach.

And I wish the story ended there, but when my gut issues started to calm down a new problem arose...

My brain felt broken 🤕 

I couldn’t focus...

And I was forgetting where I parked my car - far too often for it to be normal…

I was SO sick and tired of living in a haze of brain fog I decided I was going to need to take some SERIOUS action…

So I shelled out my last $5,000 to get a brain scan and the results FLOORED me.
Apparently, my brain looked like the brain of a hard drug user.

This was especially shocking because I was as sober as a 14 year old mormon...

My world was falling apart and I didn’t know where to turn...

When I was about to give up...
I met a biohacker named Matt and he changed the course of my life FOREVER…

Matt is one of those guys who’s got his brain and body dialed to a T...

You know the type.

One of those control freaks who probably has a google spreadsheet to track his bowel movements (although not yet confirmed)...

Matt decided to take me under his wing and introduce me to the world of biohacking and elite productivity.

First, he invited me to a brain training facility in Washington.

They specialized in training CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, and Celebrities’ minds to maximize mental performance.

There, they hooked my brain up to wires and connected it to a computer.

They had me try to fly spaceships with my mind and it was really cool!

At the Brain Training Facility, I discovered the secret keys to unlocking mental clarity…

In preparation for the training…

We experimented with countless supplements designed to support focus and improve mental clarity.

Some things really worked (like Lion’s Mane Extracts)...

But MOST of the other supplements were a waste of money…

Besides Lion’s Mane, I’d have to say that the biggest improvements from my brain training experience came from the mental exercises… the productivity systems… and the biohacks I learned from Matt.

See, Matt taught me that brain supplements are only 50% of the mental clarity equation…

All too often when we’re trying to correct brain fog or focus issues…

We’re 1000% focused on the biological side of our human selves.

We’re forcing ourselves to do the exercises, eat the salads, or swallow the pills in hopes of real improvements…

Sometimes they work.

But most of the time these things only give you short term results.

I’m sure you know what I mean.

In a moment I’m going to show you how to unlock productivity that will last for you LONG TERM.

But hear me when I say I used to try new brain supplements every week.

I experimented with countless brain games and puzzles.

I’d start to think I had found THE ANSWER…

But then the results started to fade and I realized I was probably just under the spell of placebo and I’d end up worse than where I started.

Or worse off…

I’d get ahold of some new brain supplement or “nootropic” that said it was “non stimulating”...

But it was a complete lie.

After a few days or a few weeks on the "non stimulating supplement"…

I’d burn out, CRASH, and need a bunch of time to recover.

Maybe you’ve felt the same?

I had this happen to me many times before Matt introduced me to a concept called “Mental RAM”.

This finally explained why supplements and morning routines were failing me…

See, Matt taught me that...

When "Mental RAM" is Full -No smart drug, brain game, or productivity app can save you.

Matt taught me that every human’s mind works like a computer.

And that means its performance relies on RAM, aka, “working memory”...

Working memory, in a nutshell, is the amount of mental bandwidth or power that’s actually available for you to use at any given moment.

Meaning, you might have great power to focus and accomplish great things in life, but if your mental bandwidth is “locked”...

You’ll still feel foggy headed and struggle with motivation to focus.

Let’s illustrate the point.

Imagine you’re driving down the highway.

You might be able to hold a conversation with your passenger while successfully engaging your turning signals and changing lanes…

But if you tried to place an order on Doordash at the same time…

You’d probably crash.


Because your brain is running one too many “programs”.

Your brain can only hold so many details at once…

And if you’ve recently been having trouble focusing…

Or finding yourself procrastinating more than you used to…

Your brain is probably trying to execute too many “commands” at once (EVEN if you’re genuinely trying to focus on one thing)...

Now you might be thinking…

“Luke, I understand how doing too many things while driving would overload my brain…

That’s obvious…

But why would I have trouble focusing on work if I’m sitting down at my desk doing NOTHING else…?”

This was the life changing insight that Matt taught me…

Most people have too many “mental apps” open and running in their brains at the same time...

Just like your smart phone…

Your mind is always opening new “apps” and they require a certain amount of processing power to run (some more than others).

When too many apps are open and running…

Your phone’s software will SLOW DOWN (or glitch).

The same thing happens in your brain.

Every time you begin a task or a project in life, you could consider this to be like opening an app on your Iphone.

Just like on your phone, the apps are going to continue running in the background using up processing power… until you MANUALLY SHUT THEM DOWN.

In a moment I’m going to show you a simple 3 step process to shut down the background “Apps” in your mind.

This is going to free up your mental processing power better than any supplement or brain training app.

(maybe with the exception of Lion's Mane Extracts) those really work!

But seriously, you’re going to feel INSTANT relief.

Now before we dive into steps, here’s something else you should know…

Not only do unfinished tasks act as apps that steal your mental processing power, but so do:

Unprocessed traumas...

Unresolved health issues...

Nagging worries...

Unachieved goals…

Fears, hopes, and desires… To name a few…

See, every thing that you begin doing but do not complete...

Everything that was done to you, but not dealt with...

Every conversation that needs to be had but doesn’t occur…

And so on and so on…

Your brain hangs on to these things UNTIL they are complete.

Now some things can't be completed or resolved in an instant.

I know that.

So I'm going to show you an easy strategy you can use to close the loops of that which you can NOT control, too.

Here’s an easy way to tell if you’ve got mental programs, aka, “open loops” running in the background…

Do you ever lose your train of thought mid conversation?

Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you’re there?

Or maybe you keep switching internet tabs or picking up your phone when you have something really important to do.

That’s the worst. 

When you actually feel motivated… but just can’t seem to focus.

Now, everyone seems to be blaming social media for “ruining” our dopamine systems…

Making our attention span shorter and shorter every year.

But I’m not so sure anymore.

Because once I learned how to clear my mental RAM…

I haven’t struggled with any brain fog or memory lapses, and I rarely have difficulties focusing…

Now that’s cool and all but here’s the thing that SHOCKED me.

I never had to give up social media.

I still eat sugar and gluten.

And I never quit doing ANY of the stuff people tell you you HAVE TO GIVE UP to be successful.

In my experience and for countless others I’ve shown this proven system to…

All you’ve got to do to reclaim focus, significantly reduce stress, and skyrocket productivity… 

…is to CLOSE the open loops in your mind (shut down the “apps”).

And of course, keep them closed.

In a moment, I’ll introduce you to the simple 3 step “brain reboot” process that’ll shut down "mental apps" that are stealing your brain power...

But before I do…

Let’s talk about how to KEEP your mind clear and focused.

Because the worst thing that could happen…

Is that I show you how to clear your mental clutter…

And you start feeling AMAZING… 

Only to go back to where you started…

This is what happens with so many other productivity systems and mental/emotional exercises or meditations.

Maybe you’ve struggled with consistency in the past.

I’m going to show you one of my secret strategies that’ll guarantee that never happens to you again…

See, Matt first taught me a 60 minute “brain reboot” method that instantly freed up my mental RAM and gave me my brain power back.

But we didn’t stop there.

After my mental RAM was clear…

He showed me how to install the “Human Firmware Upgrade” to my personal operating system that 10X’d my productivity.

Not only did it make me way more efficient with my work…

But it has NUKED the stress build up that used to paralyze me from taking the actions needed to achieve my goals.

Now you may be thinking…

“Human Firmware Upgrade”

“Personal Operating System”

What the world is Luke talking about?

So let’s break down exactly what I mean…

Because these are the secret keys to unlocking mental clarity that took me YEARS of research and countless dollars in consultations to discover…

And more importantly…

Everyone that I’ve shown these “secret keys” to has had MASSIVE leaps in productivity along with great reductions of stress…

Here's Kelli, who said:

And Eddie who wrote,

Here's the exact process I used to go from foggy headed and distracted to CRUSHING my to do lists and running 2 successful companies...

Step #1

Clear out your "Mental RAM" and wipe your brain clean from all the unfinished thoughts, open loops, and distractions that are eating up your mental bandwidth in the background.

Step #2

Upgrade the way that you manage tasks and information with a simple 3 step process that'll 10X your productivity and keep your mental RAM clear which will eliminate stress build up.

Step #1: Brain Reboot

First, I'm going to walk you through a simple 3 step process to clear your head from all the stress, worries, and "open loops" that are making it hard for you to concentrate.

This is where I show you how to manually shut down your “mental apps” so you can free up mental processing power to be used for whatever you want to focus on.

In less than 60 minutes...

You’ll get instant relief from mental stress and overwhelm that keeps you from being present with your friends and family and focusing on your work.

We've had a lot of people say this removes "writer's block" and tendencies towards procrastination too!

Using this exercise just once will change your life for the better…

And once you’ve learned the method, you can use it any time in life when you begin to feel overwhelmed (or catch yourself procrastinating) for immediate relief.

Step #2: Personal Operating
System Upgrade

Next, we're going to show you how to upgrade your "personal operating system"...

Or in other words, the way that you do your tasks.

This alone will 10x your productivity and eliminate stress making you more relaxed, focused, and inspired to work and live your life...

You’re going to get a detailed breakdown and step by step instructions for the personal productivity system used by multimillionaire entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and celebrities to keep your head on straight and help you get shit done.

This is the exact step by step system I use to run my companies and help my coaching clients achieve more before noon than they used to accomplish in 3 days work....

The reviews on this part have been insanely positive and this is a skill you can use for the rest of your life.

With this simple and proven 5 step biohacking process...

You can spend less time and money on guessing which food, supplements, and doctors will help you...

...and spend more time living your life to the absolute fullest.

But that’s not all we’re going to cover…

I’ve spent countless time and money hiring the top doctors and biohackers trying to gain mastery of my brain and body.

I used to have crippling insomnia, parasites in my gut, and was even drug addicted at one point in my life.

Now I’ve got complete control of my focus and attention. 

I no longer struggle with distractibility or mental fatigue…

And I’m going to show you exactly what I’ve done to turn it all around.

Bonus #1 -
Sleep Optimization

I’m going to show you my top biohacks to optimize your sleep.

I used to be a complete insomniac often waking up 3 or 4 times a night and now I sleep like a baby.

We’re going to use the little known 4/64 Principle that'll give you the secret keys to a deep, restful night of sleep... so you can wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and alert all day long.

Bonus #2 -
Gut Healing Guide

You already know I've been through hell and back with my gut.

I'm going to show you exactly how I repaired my gut lining and how you can too.

In this module, we’ll strengthen your gut/brain connection that determines how your brain communicates with the microbes in your tummy (which tell you when to feel happy and motivated, or depressed and anxious).

Bonus #3 -
Dopamine Detox

You may have heard that dopamine issues are responsible for lack of focus.

I’m going to show you Implement a Dopamine Detox Protocol that'll reset your baseline dopamine levels so we cover ALL potential causes of difficulty in focusing.

This will make it easier for you to work longer, and stay focused on important tasks and conversations.

Here's How You
Get Started:

OK, before I tell you how to get started today let me recap everything that’s included:

The Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint Consists of over 5 hours of exclusive video content and step by step checklists including:
  • How to Clear Mental RAM
  • ​The "Human Firmware Upgrade" Productivity System
  • ​Sleep Optimization Tips
  • ​4 Step Gut Healing Guide
  • ​Dopamine Detox Guidelines
And remember, you're getting lifetime access to this and all future updates...
FYI - Pretty soon, I’ll be reserving all of these guides for my coaching clients.

Whenever I shut this offer down…

The only people who will be able to access to this content are going to be people who work with us for 3 months minimum.

It will expensive. 

And you’re absolutely invited to join later. I will be here for you when you are ready...

But today you can get everything for just $37.

Here's What I'm Sharing With You:

  • How to Clear Mental RAM
    ($97 value)
  • The "Human Firmware Upgrade" Productivity System ($197 value)
  • My Best Sleep Optimization Tips ($47 value)
  • 4 Step Gut Healing Guide
    ($47 value)
  • Dopamine Detox Guidelines ($47 value)

Total value: $645+

For One Payment of $37

Listen, the reality is…
You’ve probably signed up for courses before.
You may have been disappointed in the past and wondering if this is going to be like that.
Maybe the content on your last course was low quality… 

Maybe it was hard to use.
Some people’s info is cluttered.
You never know, right?
We all have these questions when we are joining something new… and we never know what’s waiting for us.
And i don’t want you to assume all that risk.
There’s more than enough of the day-to-day stuff that life throws at us we have to deal with… stress about, and worry…
So I don’t want the Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint to be yet another thing that’s going to take your mental space and worry whether you made the right choice or not.

That's why I'm guaranteeing you'll love the Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint...

The Guarantee

As the picture clearly states... 

I am not a dick.

If you're unhappy with your purchase for any reason, I'll give you your money back immediately.

So when you join me today and you get the Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint I’ll include a no-questions-asked guarantee for not 30, not 60, but full 90 days.

You’ll have three whole months to go through everything, use all the strategies, plug in the new productivity system, use my absolute best biohacks, and then decide if it was worth the investment.

So tap the button below right now, and take advantage of this amazing offer today.

How Long Will This Offer Be Available?

This is not going to stay here forever, I know that for sure…

Like I mentioned earlier, this will soon become part of my one to one coaching client programs which will be a 3 month minimum commitment.

And when that happens, it’s going to be a $2,500+ investment and this offer is going to go back into the vault.

So tap the button below right now, get access to the Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint… take back control of your productivity… reclaim your focus and mental clarity…

And take a full 90 days to decide if it was worth it or not.

If you feel there were better ways to invest your wellbeing, just email me and I am going to send you a 100% refund right there on the spot.

See you inside…

Unfiltered and Honest Reviews About The Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint

You've likely been burned before by an online program. Maybe it was a course that didn't deliver on its promise, or a workshop that turned out to be a thinly-veiled sales pitch.

And while I can tell you that the Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint is amazing (and it is), there's nothing that replaces hearing it from actual buyers.

Here's a few screenshots from our latest students.

The Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint

The simple, 5 step biohacking process that'll eliminate your brain fog...

...and get you back to feeling relaxed, focused, and inspired.
Here's everything that's included:
The Brain Reboot Process (value $97)

Human Firmware Upgrade (value $97)

80/20 Sleep Optimization (value $97)

Strengthening the Gut/Brain Connection (value $97)

Dopamine Detox Protocols (value $47)

WITH Interactive checklists and action items accompanying every lesson (value $197)

BONUS #1: Nootropics and "Smart Drugs" Starter Guide (value $47)

BONUS #2: Nutrition for Mental Clarity (value $97)

BONUS #3: Positivity Programming Guided Self Hypnosis (value $27)

Total value: $803

Today's price: Just $47


If you're not satisfied with the Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint for whatever reason, you're covered by our no-questions-asked 30-day 100% money back guarantee.

Get Access to The Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint + Support Group

Below you'll find the button and order form to get access to the entire unlock mental clarity blueprint.
Plus you get lifetime access to the exclusive mental clarity club support group.
I am in the Mental Clarity Club portal everyday to answer your questions and support you. This group is incredibly helpful.

The Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint will soon be priced at $297. But we are launching it for $37! So the choice is yours! If you really believe you would benefit from this then I recommend joining today at the discounted rate. Whether you join now or later, I can’t wait to see you inside. You are absolutely going to love it! Can’t wait to help you transform your life!
You Get 5 Hours of Exclusive Video Content Including:

The Brain Reboot Process (value $97)

10X Your Productivity "Human Firmware Upgrade" System (value $97)

80/20 Sleep Optimization (value $97)

Strengthening the Gut/Brain Connection (value $97)

Dopamine Detox Protocols (value $47)

Interactive checklists and action items accompanying every lesson (value $197)

BONUS #1: Nootropics and "Smart Drugs" Starter Guide (value $47)

BONUS #2: Nutrition for Mental Clarity (value $97)

PLUS Private Coaching Group (value $1,200)
- You also get access to our Mental Clarity Club Group Portal. I am in there everyday to answer your questions and support you. Inside, we hold each other accountable, transform our minds & bodies, with guaranteed results. 

Total Value: $2,000+

Today's price: Just $37


If you're not satisfied with the Unlock Mental Clarity Blueprint for whatever reason, you're covered by our 90-day 100% money back guarantee.
“Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Review all product warnings prior to use." "Not intended to cure any disease”.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Mental Clarity Club, LLC distributes a product line made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.
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Mental Clarity Club, LLC

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